Alone But Not Lonely

 One of the primary things we as people try to avoid is isolation. Don't get me wrong, many people enjoy being alone but privacy and solitude are noticeably different. Webster's dictionary explains isolation as being without others while isolation is for that reason an emotional state that can be reached whether or not one is physically alone.

Geoffrey F. Fisher stated, “In cities no one is quiet but many are lonely; in the country, people are quiet but few are lonely. We tend to fill isolation with all types of diversions, things that will distract ourselves so we can change our mood so we can forget about our present emotional state. Sometimes we fill it with toys, like cars and other expensive items, in hopes that money spent will give us happiness. Some use drugs and alcohol just so when we lay our heads down at night, our mind would be so wasted that we can’t feel the loneliness. Some single men and women would rather invest a weekend night with someone they just met and have no real interest in, rather than to spend the night alone. What is it about being alone that terrifies us?

Silence can be a remarkable thing. Just as when we are alone, we can have the area and peace we believe we require without being outwardly affected. It’s for that reason, things end up being much easier to make essential choices as well as recognize whatever sensations are culminating within. Much like meditation quiets your mind to allow your inner peace, when you are alone, you can connect with yourself so that you can make mindful choices instead of merely responding to feelings. Value the time you need for yourself. Let the peace and understanding you discover much better equip you for the turmoil the world brings you these days.




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